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Get Paid Faster & Easier

Learn how card acceptance will shorten your DSO.

How many days of acceleration makes the cost of card less than ACH on term?

Leverage customers desire to pay on card to improve cash on hand.

Turn card to a collection tool from an overhead.

B2B Activate

Acceptance on your terms.

Group 497 (1)

Need shorter DSO?

Wanting to surcharge card fees?

Card can be your AR teams best friend, de-risk payments and shift liability of your receivables to the card issuing bank. 

The net cost of card is under 1% when accepted on the right day.

Let us show you how & then attack your aging and clean up the AR.

Establish clear card acceptance policies to build win win trading relationships.

Reduce DSO

Card is the only payment insturment which allows your customers to pay later, while paying you sooner. Yes, you read that right. The card issuing bank bridges the gap and you reap the rewards, while your customer keeps theirs.

Improve Operations

Tired of collecting paper checks? ACH payments hard to reconcile? Too many duplicate invoices and phone calls to get paid? These problems go away when using card to collect payments.

Crush your KPI's

On time payments, DSO, increased sales and many other metrics that get you hired or fired can be solved using card as a collection tool instead of chasing ACH payments on net terms customers.

Net Effective
Cost Assessments

Gone is the perception that card acceptance is 3%. Suppliers will see the net basis point cost of acceptance using their organization’s metrics. DSOs, taxes, inflation, and increased customer satisfaction all offset the interchange cost of accepting your products.

  • Imagine if suppliers knew your card only cost 40 basis points vs 300.
  • How would that impact spend?
Group 483

Unlock Supplier
Card Acceptance

Your product are only as valuable as the policies they are met with in the AR department. We develop card acceptance policies that encourage card spend and highlight checks as the ugly stepchild it should be.

Group 482 (1)

Flexible Supplier
Acceptance Technology

We are a partnership powerhouse and our vast network and internal technology stack delivers the tools needed to make your payments flow smooth. Whatever the supplier needs, we can connect the dots for them in an AR-centric fashion. This ensures spend happens, where it needs to, when it needs to.

Group 480 (1)

Avoid Merchant Service
Dumpster Fires

Would you ever ask a payday lender to communicate the value of an equity growth investment? That happens when you send suppliers to a retail merchant seller for B2B activations.

Retail merchant sellers are two trick ponies: low rates and surcharging. The best-case scenario is reduced interchange revenue and minimal conversion of non-acceptors.

The foundation of supplier conversations is fundamentally different. We’re talking cash flow, operational efficiencies, inflation, mitigation, tax benefits, level III data, and increased revenue. The merchant service discount rate must be eliminated from the conversation.

Group 479